game or level design position
SKILL SET: Game and Level Design |
❖ Game mechanics design
❖ Level design(3D & 2D)
❖ Product testing on high value IPs
❖ Design documentation
❖ Menu systems
❖ Rapid prototyping
3D: Unity, Valve Hammer Editor, UDK + Kismet, QuArK
2D: Game Maker, ProjectFun, LemEdit, ChatMapper
Scripting: C#, GML, HTML, CSS
Familiar with: Radiant, Flash + AS2/3, Zero Engine, Multimedia Fusion 2
Editing: Premiere/AfterEffects, Photoshop, Virtual Dub
Other: Asana, Office, SVN
Pocket Family
Aug 2015 - Aug 2016 |
House building children's sim game for mobile
➢ Contribution: Producer, quest design, feature design, and economy balance
➢ Utilities: Asana, Photoshop, Office
Save the Cave
Apr 2014 - Aug 2015 |
Multiplayer tower defense for mobile tablets
➢ Contribution: Producer, level design
➢ Utilities: Proprietary map editor, Asana, Photoshop
Tasty: The Search for the Mending Blend
Aug 2011 - May 2012 |
3rd-person puzzle adventure (student team project)
➢ Role: Design Lead
➢ Contribution: Game design, level design, scripting, playtesting, design docs
➢ Utilities: UDK, Kismet, UnrealScript, Photoshop, After Effects
For additional projects, please visit the GAMES page
Nintendo Switch
Oct 2016 - Current |
Nintendo's hybrid video game console
➢ Contribution: Script debugging, test plan execution, feature suggestion
➢ Utilities: Visual Studio, video software, Office, JIRA
Super Mario Maker 3DS
Aug 2016 - Oct 2016 |
Side-scrolling platform video game and game creation system.
➢ Contribution: Text check, gameplay bug checking
➢ Utilities: Proprietary bug tracking software, video hardware and software, Photoshop, Office
Mario Party: Star Rush
Jul 2016 - Aug 2016 |
A party video game developed by Nd Cube
➢ Role: Completionist
➢ Contribution: Completion, text check, bug reporting, weekly reporting
➢ Utilities: Proprietary bug tracking software, video hardware and software, Photoshop, Office
Associate Product Tester II
Jun 2016 - Current |
Parker at Nintendo ≡ Redmond, WA
➢ Identify and report programming errors and anomalies
➢ Script debugging in Visual Studio
➢ Execute test-plan assignments and test cases
➢ Provide support to entry-level testers
Associate Designer/Producer
Apr 2014 - Aug 2016 |
Kooapps ≡ Redmond, WA
➢ Feature design for mobile titles
➢ Manage international art and dev teams
➢ Level design for mobile tower defense
➢ Economy balancing on a sim game
ProjectFun Assistant Teacher
Summer of 2010 |
DigiPen Institute of Technology ≡ Redmond, WA
Taught middle to high school-level students how to use DigiPen's in-house game development software. I also helped organize and develop the Game Design summer course material.
Multimedia Fusion 2 Instructor
Summer of 2009 |
Chase Middle School ≡ Spokane, WA
Taught middle school students how to use the game making software Multimedia Fusion 2 during a six-week course with the company TinCan.
Bachelor of Arts in Game Design
Class of 2013 |
DigiPen Institute of Technology ≡ Redmond, WA
Courses in Business Computers, Project Management
2005-2007 |
Spokane Community College ≡ Spokane, WA
Chosen for the DigiPen GDC Showcase Demo Reel (Water Power, 2011)
Nominated for TWHL’s ‘Map a Puzzle’ competition (Barrel Destroyer, 2008)
Highest rated Half-Life mod on TWHL for 2 years (Dungeon Death, 2004)
Want to know about the projects I've worked on, and my process?
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